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Γενικά θέματα 22 Ιουνίου 2016

The Unexpected Story of How This Tiny Country Became the Most Tech-Savvy on Earth

Internet Voting in Estonia from Vabariigi Valimiskomisjon on Vimeo.

Over the past two decades, this former Soviet-controlled nation — home to just 1.3 million people, or under one-sixth the size of New York City — has quietly become one of the most tech-savvy countries on earth. Estonia is the 79th smallest country in the world by population but holds the world record in startups per person. It has among the world’s fastest broadband speeds. The country teaches every kid how to code. Nearly all government services are conducted online. Citizens can access their health records in the cloud and pay for parking with their mobile phones.
Talk to the average Estonians and they practically ooze entrepreneurship. Residents take pride in how they’ve built a collective culture of innovation; famed Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen recently tweeted about his love for Estonian founders, after leading a $58 million fundraising round for TransferWise, a peer-to-peer money-transfer startup started by two Estonian founders in 2011.

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