Δύο μέτρα και δύο σταθμά η πολιτική της ΕΕ στο δημοψήφισμα του Κουρδιστάν

Δύο μέτρα και δύο σταθμά η πολιτική της ΕΕ στο δημοψήφισμα του Κουρδιστάν
EU’s double standards on Kurdistan referendum
by Roni Alasor
Western countries responsible for the division of Kurdistan in the beginning of last century, today continue to support the injustice status quo and oppose the upcoming Kurdish referendum in Kurdistan Region.
Brussels,  20 Sep 2017 – Middle East Diplomatic (MED) – Western countries, which were responsible for the division of Kurdistan between Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq in the beginning of last century, today continue to support the injustice status quo and oppose the upcoming Kurdish referendum in Kurdistan Region (Iraq) on 25 September.
EU supporting unity of a artificial state which is not existing anymore !
In a statement by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, the European Union called the Kurdish referendum “counterproductive” and reiterated its support for so called “Iraq`s unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity”.
It goes without saying that opposing Kurdish rights for self-determination is against the EU main values and against Article 1.2 of the UN Charter which defines self-determination right of peoples as one of the fundamental rights of international law.
Moreover, EU and the international community have been praising and supporting Kurds in their fight against Daesh and terror in the last years even the help came very late ! But the same EU, when the Kurds are asking for their fundamental right for self determination, then its EU policy again turn up to the classical double game status quo ! Many Kurds fear that when Daesh and the danger against the West will end, the Kurds will be one more time betrayed, as it happened in Sevres-Lausanne Treaty, as well in 1974 in the Algeria agreement. 
To counterbalance Mogherini’s declaration, the European Friends of Kurdistan Group in the European Parliament issued a statement to expresses its support for the people of Kurdistan.
“We believe that aside from expressing support for the unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Iraq, the formal position of the European Union should also include the recognition and respect for the aspirations of the Kurdish people”, declared the Members of the European Parliament’s Kurdish Friendship Group.
Delawer Ajgeiy, the Head of KRG Mission to the EU welcomed the statement from European Parliament’s Kurdish Friendship Group and asked EU to respect the choice of peoples of Kurdistan and Iraq to decide their own future in a democratic referendum. “Its in EU’s interest to recognise the outcome of a referendum and to accept an independent secular and democratic Kurdistan”, he added.


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