Ενεργειακά-Αγωγοί , Ισραήλ 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Top US Intel official in Ankara to head off naval clash, bring Palestinians to talks

The US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper arrived in Ankara on an urgent surprise visit Sunday night Sept. 18 as Turkish saber-rattling threatened three major US interests:
Sunday, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the information gathered by the US radar system to be stationed in Turkey’s Malatya province as part of the NATO missile-shield would not be shared with Israel – thereby disrupting the entire system; Monday, US Noble Energy began drilling gas off Cyprus in defiance of Turkish threats; and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’ headed to New York to promote UN acceptance of a Palestinian state – with Ankara’s encouragement.
Περισσότερα Debka

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