Γενικά θέματα 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Hackers Anonymous : Συμπαράσταση στους φυλακισμένους δημοσιογράφους στην Τουρκία και καταγγελία του Fethulah Gulen

Hackers Anonymous : Συμπαράσταση στους φυλακισμένους δημοσιογράφους στην Τουρκία και  καταγγελία του Fethulah Gulen

This is an open letter to all journalists of the free world. We encourage you to stand forth in solidarity with your fellow journalists who have been arrested in Turkey. Currently the count is now up to one hundred and seventeen members of the press and mainstream media. This is an attack on free speech and democracy not only for the citizens of Turkey but also for the world. 
We ask the world’s media and journalists to investigate and dig into the cult leader Fethulah Gulen and into his cult followers who have been placed around the world to open schools and business. Gulen and cult members are trying to dominate the world’s education systems and raking billions of dollars annually
with no regard for law, safety and equal rights in any country that they have infiltrated, it is now time to hold them accountable. Gulen has tremendous political clout in Turkey and his cult members abuses the privileges to serve the public by labeling those who stand against them or to write about them by calling them terrorists for which they arrested for. 

Gulen has had already over one thousand lawsuits filed against private citizens in his home country for insulting him or his agenda. They abuse the democracy to ensure fear and scare tactics against anyone who wishes to challenge them. This should never be tolerated and we should all fight back. He told his followers to do the same through his own private media outlet, the Today’s Zaman. However in free and a true democratic country Gulen has no power to control the media. We will not be silenced. We stand with the protestors of Turkey and to news writers worldwide. 

Gulen, recently in one of his weekly video broadcasts to cult members favors the idea of censoring the internet, to cease the flow of information and journalistic creativity. He approves of filtering, censoring websites and government controlled monitoring systems to spy on the common citizen. 
We ask the journalists from around the world to research further and to write about the Fethullah Gulen cult and their objectives in every free country around the world. We ask for solidarity in that you the world media and demand the journalists to be released. We ask for radio, television, newspaper, bloggers and tweeters to get behind us and to share this message to as many media outlets as possible. 

Anonymous will always stand for the free flow of information around the world, for human rights, for free speech and democracy around the globe. It is time to prove that the pen to become mightier the sword. We stand with you journalists of the internet and the entire free world. We ask that you protest with us and expose the corrupt Gulen Movement and for what they really stand for. We ask to raise global awareness. We ask that you help protect our children from the misinformed. We ask that you help hold those accountable the corrupt enablers in the public view. Fellow Anonymous members will continue to help spread this message to as many media outlets as well. 
“We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”

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