Αρμενία - Αρμενικό Ζήτημα 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

TAVUSH FOR THE HOMELAND: Panel Discussion on “Towards Sustainable and Long-Term Peace”

TAVUSH FOR THE HOMELAND: Panel Discussion on “Towards Sustainable and Long-Term Peace”


Panel Discussion on “Towards Sustainable and Long-Term Peace”


Towards Sustainable Peace: Archbishop Galstanyan Calls for Unity, Democratic Values, and Just Negotiations

A panel discussion titled “Towards Sustainable and Long-Term Peace” was held on Saturday 7th of September in Yerevan, organised by the Sacred Struggle Movement. The event featured prominent speakers, including Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, who delivered a keynote address on key issues facing Armenia’s domestic and foreign policies. Below is a summary of his speech.

Archbishop Galstanyan’s Remarks:

Archbishop Galstanyan opened by expressing his gratitude for the initiative, emphasising that the panel’s message was aimed at both domestic and international audiences. He highlighted that the pursuit of sustainable and long-term peace is a guiding principle for Armenia’s current direction.

“We are called to change in all aspects of our lives—our state, our homeland, our honour, and dignity, as well as for inevitable victories and the achievement of sustainable and long-term peace,” he said.

Focus on Internal Reforms and Unity

Archbishop Galstanyan stressed the need for internal reforms, noting that without improving and strengthening domestic life, meaningful foreign relations cannot be established. He called for the removal of divisive lines created by the current authorities, which have eroded the resilience of the state, society, and the Diaspora.

“We must restore internal harmony, which has been the essence of the Sacred Struggle. We need to look to the future with clear minds, starting tomorrow, and believe in our inner strength,” he stated.

He criticised the ongoing debates between past and current leaderships, insisting that such conflicts must cease. He stressed that there should be no return to past governance or situations and called for the eradication of social injustice in Armenian society.

Call for Democratic Values

The Archbishop underscored the importance of democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, and the fight against corruption, emphasising that these should become fundamental aspects of Armenian society. He also highlighted that the existence of political prisoners in Armenia should be unacceptable.

Concerns Over Current Governance

Archbishop Galstanyan criticised the current government, accusing it of actions that have undermined the state’s foundations and constitutional order. He highlighted growing concerns over the legitimacy of the current authorities, which he claimed are compounding daily, leading the country towards continuous setbacks.

“The constitutional order in Armenia must be restored, and the Republic of Armenia must have legitimate authorities capable of defending and advancing the nation’s interests,” he emphasised.

Vision for Foreign Policy

Addressing foreign relations, Archbishop Galstanyan called for Armenia to move away from adversarial foreign policies and return to being a predictable and trustworthy partner. He emphasised the importance of aligning Armenia’s foreign policy with the interests of global power centres, deepening partnerships, and exploring new opportunities for cooperation.

He urged Armenia to work on restoring and enhancing relationships with partner and allied states through negotiations, while also forming new alliances and involving the  Diaspora in this process.

Advocating for Real Peace

Archbishop Galstanyan stressed the importance of championing sustainable and long-term peace. He emphasised that peace must be genuine and passable to future generations, preparing them to face the uncertainties of the future.

“Sustainable peace cannot be achieved by violating principles of justice or through false promises of peace at any cost,” he stated. He condemned ongoing unilateral concessions, coercion, and fear tactics, warning that these actions lay the foundations for future conflicts.

He called for authentic negotiations and dialogues that respect legitimate interests and uphold justice, arguing that stable and long-term peace is only achievable through such measures. The Archbishop also underscored the crucial role of the Armenian Army in safeguarding national and regional security.

Humanitarian Appeals

Archbishop Galstanyan called for the return of prisoners and hostages held in Azerbaijan, the withdrawal of Azerbaijani forces from Armenian sovereign territory, and the safe and dignified return of Armenians from Artsakh to their homeland. He insisted that the Artsakh issue must remain on the negotiation agenda, as just and fair solutions are essential for achieving lasting peace.


Concluding his address, Archbishop Galstanyan reaffirmed his commitment to these principles, stating that they form the foundation of a dignified life for Armenia and its people, as well as the promise of future victories.

“May God strengthen you all,” he concluded.

The panel discussion provided a platform for in-depth dialogue on Armenia’s pursuit of sustainable and long-term peace, resonating strongly with both domestic and international audiences.

“Our journey and our lives must be a relentless testament to our unbreakable will and victory. Our hopes and dreams are far greater than the fleeting days of our existence.

I will never forget for Armenia, I will never forgive for Artsakh.

May God be our strength as we move forward.”

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan

Tavush for the Homeland Movement

The “Tavush for the Homeland” movement began in Tavush, aiming to unite all of Armenia and its diaspora.

The movement emerged as a response to the Armenian government’s unilateral concessions that lack justification and endanger Armenia’s security and territorial integrity under the pretext of border demarcation and delimitation processes.

These recent processes, lacking legal foundation and security guarantees, are seen as yet another capitulatory step by the Armenian government. They infringe upon the rights of local residents and citizens more broadly, violate the Constitution and laws, and disregard OSCE and other internationally accepted demarcation norms, thereby creating additional security threats.

The continuous imposition of unilateral concessions, psychological intimidation, and coercion upon the population starkly contrast with the pre-election promises made by the ruling party and enshrined in the current government’s program. Consequently, this government, based on deception and deep populism, has lost its legitimacy.

Therefore, naturally, as a solution to the created problems and escalating threats, the Movement has put forward one primary demand: the immediate change of government in Armenia. The country must return to a state of normalcy, including in legal terms, through the application of international law. The logical order of processes must be restored.

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