Γενικά θέματα 20 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Εκδήλωση στη Λευκωσία με θέμα: Πώς μια οικονομική κρίση μπορεί να προκαλέσει πολιτική καταιγίδα!

Εκδήλωση στη Λευκωσία με θέμα: Πώς μια οικονομική κρίση μπορεί να προκαλέσει πολιτική καταιγίδα!
The Center for European and International Affairs
of the University of Nicosia 
invites you to the Lecture 
How an economic crisis bred a political thunderstorm
Anna Koukkides-Procopiou 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
18:00 – 19:30
UNESCO Amphitheatre, Europa Building
University of Nicosia 
Chair: George Kentas 
Welcoming Comments:
18:05 – 18:15           George Kentas
                                  Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Nicosia
18:15 – 18:45           Anna Koukkides-Procopiou
Comments and Reflections:
18:45 – 19:00           Andreas Theophanous
Professor of Political Economy, Center for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia
19:00 – 19:30           Discussion
Was the Weimar Republic doomed to fail from the start or could it have survived the Nazi threat had it not been for adverse economic conditions?  Why was the Republic able to overcome hyperinflation in 1923 but not able to survive high rates of unemployment in 1929? How did the economic become political? Why did Hitler come to power? Although the focus of this presentation will be on providing an account of events in Germany between 1919-33, speakers will attempt to draw useful parallels between past and present and examine differences and similarities between Weimar Germany back in the 1930s and conditions in Greece and Cyprus today.
RSVP 22841600, e-mail: cceia@unic.ac.cy

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