Savvas Kalenterides: Wake up Europe – Wake up Greece

Savvas Kalenterides: Wake up Europe – Wake up Greece

 The destruction
of the Syrian state is an operation undertaken by the United States, France,
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar since 2011.
With this
operation, the U.S. and its allies were aiming to fulfill the below strategic
  • To limit or completely negate the influence of Russia in the region.
  • To cut off the land and aerial connection of the (Shiite-controlled) Iraq with
    the alawite state that will be established in the coast of Syria, in order to curtail
    any energy pipes of Iranian interest and to completely negate all aerial
    contact of Iran and Russia with said state.  
  • To create all the necessary conditions for the transport of natural gas from
    Qatar and Saudi Arabia, through the area that is now at the hands of the
    so-called Islamic State, to Turkey and through there to Europe.

To accomplish all of the above goals, it is imperative to destroy the
Syrian state and create in its place four smaller states, one belonging to
Druze Christians in southern Syria, on to the alawites in the coastal area, one
belonging to the Sunnis in the area controlled by ISIS, and one to the Kurds in
the strip of land at the border between Turkey and Syria.

This has been actually going
on for the past four years, having as victims 250 thousands of Syrians and
millions of displaced people as refuges to Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and since
January 25, 2015, to the whole of Europe.
From the destruction of Syria
that is happening in front of the eyes of the whole world, the state of Israel
enjoyed some collateral benefits like the destruction of Syria’s chemical
arsenal, which posed a strategic threat for Israel, and the advancement of
Israel’s regional strategic goal which is the containing of Tehran’s influence
to Damascus and the cutting off of their land and aerial communication, in
order to stop the weapon flow towards
Hezbollah in Lebanon, an organization that also poses a strategic threat to
In this effort to destroy an
independent and sovereign state, Turkey decided to play a critical role by
taking in the so called Syrian political opposition and the Free Syrian Army
(FSA), that Turkey trained and armed.
While the stage was set to
topple Assad in a few weeks (by the words of Davutoglu who was readying Turkey
to raid and pillage Syria), and to proceed with the plan, the opposition of the
Syrian people and the endurance of the government forces in Syria, turned the
table around.
Thus, gradually, we witnessed
the evaporation of the FSA forces and of the Syrian political opposition, while
the weapons being provided to them by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey
began appearing in the arms of extreme jihadists. This had as a result the
quick empowerment of Al-Nusra, an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, and subsequently,
Turkey, while realizing that
the plan to raid and plunder Syria was falling apart, and at the same time
witnessing a second Kurdish state to appear at its borders with Syria, quickly
began to openly arm the jihadists, turning them against the Kurds of Rojava, who pose a vital strategic threat to Ankara.
Who can forget the statement by Erdogan, with the barbaric instincts of a hyena,
saying “Kobani is going to fall any day
, while the whole world was holding its breath for the epic and unbalanced
battle of the Kurds to keep their city free! Thus, while Turkey was realizing that the plans to topple
Assad were becoming harder to materialize by the day, while at the same time
the Kurdish “Rojava” threat was growing, it decided to involve even deeper
itself to the issue called Islamic terrorism.
Everybody knows,
as do the agents of the American secret services,
  •  how and in which way Turkey continues to support the jihadists,
  •  how it is providing them with arms and weapons,
  •  how is Turkey buying the oil of the I.S. making billions for both parties
  •  how they are treating ISIS into their hospitals
  •  how to this very day they are accommodating the terrorists by hosting them
    in 5 star hotels,
  • how it is making it easy for them to get across to the Greek islands and
    from there to move on to the heart of Europe.

In 2015, by
utilizing the incomprehensible open border policy of Tsipras, Turkey began
playing the refuge card that she created in the first place with a byzantine
skillfulness. To this end, Turkey instigated the mass movement
of refugees already camped in its interior, towards the Greek islands and
Europe in order to gain material and political gains from the E.U., Greece, and
Everybody knows
that Turkey through its state apparatus accepts in its airports thousands of
Muslim and economic refugees from the countries of Asia and Africa, which are
then been forwarded to Europe and jihadists are being planted among them.
Everybody knows
of the role that the Turkish official airlines play, as well as the role of
border control police in the airports, who has been ordered not to check the
passports from certain countries.
As far as France
is concerned, the explanation that Paris was targeted by the jihadists because
they participate in bombings against ISIS it’s pretty simple-minded.
A deeper reading
of the situation can lead us to realize that Turkey, which maintains a strong
relationship with the terrorists, led the jihadists to choose Paris as the
target of their terrorist activity in order to punish Hollande who follows a
Kurdish-friendly policy, reaching up to the point of accepting Kurds from
Rojava to the Presidential Palace.
We can reach to
the same conclusion regarding the assassination of the three Kurdish women again
in Paris, and even perhaps regarding the murderous attack against the French
magazine Charlie Hebdo.  
It is of extreme
necessity that we Europeans realize the truth which is this:
Turkey, by
taking advantage of the loose structure of government and control inside the
E.U. has transformed Islam, ISIS and the Islamic
terrorism to a nuclear weapon that is capable to blow apart the already-weak
foundations of the European structure.
It is time for Europe to wake up.
Ρublished in newspaper “δημοκρατία

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