Γαλλοβρετανική παρέμβαση για να σταματήσει η επιχείρηση του στρατού στο Χαλέπι …..

Γαλλοβρετανική παρέμβαση για να σταματήσει η επιχείρηση του στρατού στο Χαλέπι …..
Syrian War Report 29.07.2016

Χαλέπι, 29.07.2016

Σε μια συνάντηση στο Παρίσι μεταξύ
των επικεφαλείς της διπλωματίας των 2 χωρών, η Γαλία και η Βρετανία καταδίκασαν την
« συνέχιση του αποκλεισμού του Χαλεπίου από δυνάμεις του συριακού
καθεστώτος και των συμμάχων του » και κάλεσαν τους τελευταίους
να βάλουν τέλος στον αποκλεισμό .

« Ο αποκλεισμός αυτής της πόλης όπου περί τους 300.000 κάτοικοι είναι
σε πολιορκία καθιστά αδύνατη την επανέναρξη των ειρηνευτικών
διαπραγματεύσεων », τόνισαν με καταγγελτικό ύφος οι υπουργοί
 Jean-Marc Ayrault και  Boris Johnson, καλώντας « ηχηρά τους συμμάχους
του συριακού καθεστώτος να κάνουν ώστε να διακοπούν άμεσα αυτές οι
επιχειρήσεις ». figaro


Syrian War Report – July 29, 2016: Humanitarian Operation in Aleppo City

July 28, 2016 opened with the start of a full-scale humanitarian
operation by Syria and Russia in Aleppo. A single checkpoint was
established along the Castillo Road to process rebels surrendering to
pro-government forces, while three corridors were established to allow
civilians a safe exit from the conflict zone within the city itself.
Moscow and Damascus are also going to provide humanitarian assistance to
the civilians that remain in the besieged areas of the city.

A high volume of videos depicting anti-tank guided missile attacks
against pro-government parties operating within the Syrian theatre of
war were uploaded by western-backed terrorist groups. So-called Free
Syrian Army rebels used a 9K111 Fagot to strike an Iranian T-72 in a
rural area of Aleppo. In al-Malah, the rebels destroyed two tanks. A
rebel faction, the Hawks of al-Ghab, claimed that one of the destroyed
tanks was a T-90.

The criminal faction, Fatah Halab, claimed that its missile teams had
destroyed three tanks, including a T-90, during a failed assault by the
Syrian Arab Army on the Handarat Camp.
Meanwhile, in pitched battles along the Hawsh Farah front in southern
Ghouta, Jaish al-Islam claimed two tanks destroyed. In Hama, Faylaq
al-Sham fired two MILAN anti-tank guided missiles to strike a Syrian
Arab Army tank. The crew’s fate is unknown.


Siege Shows U.S., Concern Trolls Hypocrisy

The Moon of Alabama (USA)

Do you remember the outcry over the siege of Ramadi by Iraqi and U.S.
forces? When those forces expressed little concern for the civilians
who were not let go by the ISIS fighters occupying the city?

No? You do not remember those concerns? The outcry from Amnesty, HRW, the UN and other organization?

That is probably because there were none.

Dec 2 2015: Iraqi forces surround Ramadi, but it could be a long siege

Iraqi troops and militias backed by U.S.-led airstrikes have
surrounded the key city of Ramadi and appear poised to launch a new
attempt to wrest it from the Islamic State group.

On Monday, the Iraqi military dropped leaflets into the city,

But residents told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the militants
have clamped down, setting up checkpoints across the city to monitor
civilians’ movements and prevent anyone from going.

When Maan was asked about the high number of civilians that could be
trapped inside Ramadi once the fight gets underway, the Interior
Ministry spokesman said he was confident they would be able to flee “to a
safe place.”
“We are focusing now on the enemy only,” he added.

Today Ramadi is back in the hands of the Iraqi government.

But there is another big and outdrawn siege ongoing – this time of a
large city in Syria. One where the population and the enemy are under
constant bombardment. Where the population is prevented from leaving.
Where mass casualties of civilians are caused by misdirected airstrikes.

That city is Manbij.

June 11: Siege of IS bastion in north Syria traps thousands

Thousands of civilians were under siege Saturday in an
Islamic State group stronghold surrounded by US-backed forces in
northern Syria[…]

“Tens of thousands of civilians still
there can’t leave as all the routes out of town are cut,” the
Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor’s head Rami
Abdel Rahman said.

Six weeks on the siege of Manbij continues.

July 25: US-backed fighters renew offer for IS to leave Syrian town

U.S.-backed fighters in northern Syria renewed an offer
Monday to Islamic State militants in Manbij, saying that if they allow
civilians to leave the besieged northern town IS fighters will be
allowed to leave too and will not be attacked.

offer by the SDF-linked Manbij Military Council came days after the
extremists ignored an earlier, 48-hour offer to leave the town safely
with just their “individual weapons.”

Again, like in Ramadi, there is no protest from Amnesty, HRW, the UN
or any other concern peddlers over the fate of the city and its people.
There was and is no outcry over the siege or the casualties in Manbij by
any of the usual subjects.

Now another, third siege happens and this one exposes the utter
hypocrisy of the United States and the concern trolls organizations it

July 28: US Envoy: Syrian Offer of Safe Passage for Aleppo Civilians ‘Chilling’

US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power condemned
Syria’s leaflets, urging civilians in rebel-held East Aleppo to flee
and offering them safe passage and access to temporary shelters
“chilling,” insisting that the civilians must never trust a government
“that’s bombed & starved them.”
Syria’s military has increased its control over the area surrounding
Aleppo recently, controlling all roads leading into the east. Eastern
Aleppo is controlled mostly by al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, ..

To the U.S. propagandists the siege of east-Aleppo and the offer to
leave it is “chilling”, while the siege of Manbij or Ramadi never
created any such bad feelings. How come?

The insurgents in east-Aleppo, mostly of al-Qaeda in Syria, are preventing any civilians from leaving through the designated corridors the besieging forces offer.

Where is the condemnation of that?

Instead we hear a whole army of concern trolls, the IRC, the UN, Amnesty and various other propaganda shops demanding that civilians “are allowed” to stay(!) in the besieged area


Posted by b on July 29, 2016 at 02:47 PM | Permalink

The US and its puppets want the civilians to stay in the conflict area to hold back the Syrian Army’s advancement.

Posted by: Steve | Jul 29, 2016 3:03:14 PM | 1

And now they murdered another 45 civilians,

Posted by: Robz | Jul 29, 2016 3:14:29 PM | 2

As usual…..when the rot is in the stink of the US will never go away…..

Posted by: notlurking | Jul 29, 2016 3:15:22 PM | 3

An acquaintance of mine who resides near a major US Air Force base
tells me several USAF doomsday aircraft are inflight. I have a feeling
that the fecal matter is about to come into direct contact with the
rotary oscillator.

Just me opinion.

Posted by: ALberto | Jul 29, 2016 3:32:33 PM | 4

Are US officials essentially acquiescing to Aleppo falling to the regime? Yes and no, said Syria expert Aron Lund.

“Well, it is falling and they’re not doing what would be required to
stop it, like pushing in lots of resources to the rebels, hitting the
pro-Assad forces or grounding the air forces bombing them,” Lund, a
nonresident Syria analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, told Al-Monitor July 28. “But I don’t see how that is ‘letting’
it fall. It seems the US can’t stop it happening except by doing things
that they really don’t want to do.”
It seems the US is out of options especially ‘Right to Protect’ and can
now only delay the inevitable, even with the promise of amnesty for the
Jihadis and safe passage out of the area for civilians, that clown
Samantha Power still calls those offers ‘chilling’. Seems no matter what
Russia/Syria do they are wrong in US eyes.

Posted by: harrylaw | Jul 29, 2016 3:39:04 PM | 5

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