ΗΠΑ , Ρωσία 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Video: The Third World War Has Never Been So Close… “US Preparing to Wage War on Russia. How will Russia Respond?”

Video: The Third World War Has Never Been So Close… “US Preparing to Wage War on Russia. How will Russia Respond?”

A Russian Viewpoint

By Alexander Dugin,  Global Research, September 21, 2016

worldwar3As we have already said many times, the main aspect of this
political season is not elections, but war. But if elections do have
importance somewhere, then this is in the US where, once again, they are
closely connected to war. Two days ago, on Saturday, September 17th,
the likelihood of this war was breathtakingly high. As we know, American
troops, who no one ever invited to Syria, bombed the positions of the
Syrian army at Deir ez-Zor. As a result of the bombing, 60 Syrian
soldiers were killed.

This strike was extremely important for ISIS militants, whom the US
is informally advising and arming while supposedly fighting them. This
crossed the line. Bombing Syrian soldiers is one thing, but this means
declaring war not only against Syria, but also Russia, which is fighting
in Syria on Assad’s side. And this means that we have reached a climax.

Sure, the US leadership immediately reported that the airstrike was a
mistake and warned the Russian leadership not to express any emotions.
But Americans can only be lying, as modern technology allows satellite
objects to be seen from a desktop. Theoretically, American bombers could
not have simply confused such a strike. And what’s most important: if
they had told you that they were preparing to bomb you, and you said
nothing, then does that mean you agree?

It is completely obvious that the US is preparing to
start a war against Russia. Border incidents represent reconnaissance
operations. But how will Moscow, Putin, and the Kremlin react? The point
of no return has not yet been crossed, but did Moscow’s reaction not
show just how many Russians are ready for a direct, frontal
confrontation with the US and NATO? This was why the airstrike was
launched against Syrian army positions.

The globalist US leadership obviously cannot rule the whole world
and, what’s more, the threat posed by Trump puts their control over
America itself into question. Now, while the puppet Barack Obama is
still in office and the globalist candidate Hillary Clinton is falling
apart in front of American voters’ very eyes, is the last chance to
start a war. This would allow them to postpone elections or force Trump,
if he were to win, to begin his presidency in catastrophic conditions.
Thus, the US neoconservatives and globalists need war. And fast, before
it’s too late. If Trump gets into the White House when there will be
peace, then there will be no such war, at least for the foreseeable
future. And this would spell the end of the omnipotence of the maniacal
globalist elites.
Thus, everything at this point is very, very serious. NATO’s
ideologues and the US globalists falling into the abyss need war right
now – before the American elections. War against us. Not so much for
victory, but for the process itself. This is the only way for them to
prolong their dominance and divert the attention of Americans and the
whole world from their endless series of failures and crimes. The
globalists’ game has been revealed. Soon enough, they’ll have to step
down from power and appear before court. Only war can save their
But what about us? We don’t need war. Not now, now tomorrow, never.
Never in history have we needed war. But we have constantly fought and,
in fact, we have almost never lost. The cost entailed terrible losses
and colossal efforts, but we won. And we will always win. If this were
not so, then today we wouldn’t have such an enormous country free from
foreign control.

But in this case, we need to buy as much time as
possible. The Americans have essentially attacked our positions, like
the Georgians in Tskhinvali in August 2008. Russians are under fire, and
this cannot be ignored. Our reaction is extremely cautious and
balanced. We have expressed what we think about this American act of
aggression, but in very deliberate terms.

The fatality of the situation lies in that, if Washington decides to
opt for war now, then we cannot avoid it. If they will insist and repeat
the September 17th situation again and again, then we will have to
either accept the challenge and go to war, or knowingly admit defeat.
In this situation, the outcome of the struggle for peace which is, as
always, fully in our interests, does not depend on us. We really need
peace, to buy time until November 8th, and then everything will be much
easier. But will the collapsing colossus allow us this time?

God forbid that this happens. But those who could pray prayed on the
eve of the First and Second World War. In any case, our goal is always
and only victory. Our victory.

The Americans are bombing our guys. A Third World War has never been so close.

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