ΗΠΑ , Κίνα 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Trump threatens China (and appoints two Secretaries of State)

The President-elect has already put into doubt one of the cornerstones of US world policy and the precondition for peace in the Pacific, the one-China policy.
The President-elect has appointed the Exxon chief as Secretary of State, in an obvious mission to reestablish ties with Russia, if not establishing an alliance with Moscow against Islam in the short-run, against China in the long-run. But in the same time, John Bolton of the neocon “state-inside-the-state”, directly responsible for the demolition of half Arab states and the wars in Georgia and Ukraine, is appointed as “everyday Secretary of State”!
An article published in WSWS.org is trying to investigate what the Generals appointed by Trump means
More: http://www.defenddemocracy.press/trump-threatens-china-and-appoints-two-secretaries-of-state/

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