Γενικά θέματα , Τουρκία 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

ΕΚΤΑΚΤΟ! 14 Τούρκοι νεκροί, 33 τραυματίες στην Αλ Μπαμπ!!!

ΕΚΤΑΚΤΟ! 14 Τούρκοι νεκροί, 33 τραυματίες στην Αλ Μπαμπ!!!

Ο χάρτης της σημερινής αποτυχημένης επίθεσης εισβολής στην Αλ Μπαμπ

Turkish Army, rebels suffer 50+ casualties in failed Al-Bab assault: Al-Amaq


LEBANON (5:00 P.M.) – The Turkish Army, alongside their rebel forces,
launched a massive attack on Al-Bab City today, targeting the strategic
Al-Farouk Hospital that is under the control of the so-called “Islamic
State of Iraq and Al-Sham” (ISIS).
However, despite the intensity of the attack, the Turkish Army and
prebels have made minimal gains today, leaving the ISIS terrorists in
firm control of the city’a western flank.
According to the Islamic State’s official media wing, their forces
foiled the massive Turkish Army led assault, killing and wounding more
than 50 military personnel in the process.
primary cause of these high casualties was a suicide attack that was
initiated by an Islamic State terrorist west of the Al-Farouq Hospital.
For nearly a month now, the Turkish Army has attempted to enter the
key city of Al-Bab; however, they have been repeatedly repelled by the
terrorist forces each time.

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