Περισσότεροι Τούρκοι στρατιώτες παρά “αντάρτες” στη μάχη κατά του ΙΚ στην Αλ Μπαμπ – φωτογραφίες για άτομα >18 χρονών

Περισσότεροι Τούρκοι στρατιώτες παρά “αντάρτες” στη μάχη κατά του ΙΚ στην Αλ Μπαμπ – φωτογραφίες για άτομα >18 χρονών

Turkish military has been deploying more special forces servicemembers,
heavy military equipment and artillery units to Syria amid the ongoing
clashes between Turkey-led forces and ISIS for the key town of al-Bab in
the province of Aleppo, according local sources at the Syrian-Turkish

Pro-Turkey sources argued earlier today that the “moderate
opposition” smashed ISIS defenses and seized the Al-Bab hospital and
the Aqil Mountain. However, video evidence shows that Turkish forces
failed to do this and are still clashing with ISIS units in the area
near the hospital.
fact that mainstream media and “pro-opposition” sources ingore is
participation of the Turkish Special Forces in the operation. A majority
of photos of Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels is made in a notable
distance from the battlefront against ISIS.

In turn, there are
lots of photos of a high number of Turkish military servicemen deploying
and operating in the area of the fighting. With the recent reports that
FSA militants just run away when they see ISIS members, questions arise: Where
are all members of the so-called “moderate opposition”? Are there more
Turkish soldiers than pro-Turkey militants involved in the operation?

Turkish military servicemen during the storm of al-Bab:


 Turkish Forces Advance (Again) On Al-Bab. More Photos Of Military Equipment Abandoned By Turkish Army & Militants
Turkish army and pro-Turkey militant groups launched another attempt to
enter the city of al-Bab from the western direction after the recent failure in the area.
sources claim that by December 25, the Turkish army and its proxies
have seized back the al-Bab hospital and advanced in the area of Shekih
Aqil. Nonetheless, they have not provided photo and video evidences of
this. Local sources report about intense firefights in the area of the
al-Bab hospital.
In turn, ISIS released more photos of battle tanks and vehicles abandoned by Turkish forces near al-Bab:
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