Let’s look what Kurdish sources report about the Turkish operation against ISIS in the Syrian town of al-Bab.

Pro-Kurdish sources spread interesting information about ‘Turkish success’ in Syria and compare results of the military operations of the Turkish Army and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in al-Bab and achievements of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Manbij.

So, a map, showing ‘advances’ of the Turkish coalition in al-Bab and results of the Kurdish military operation in Manbij, made during the last three months, was published online. An author of the map noted that the YPG and the SDF are “heroes,” while Turkey and its allies are just “terrorist clowns.”

Left:  Opr. by / Heros
Right:  Opr by terrorist clown      

At the same time, pro-Kurdish sources claim that Turkey provides false information on its advances in al-Bab, and tries to hide the real number of losses and casualties. As the Kurdish side says, by February 20, 2017, more than 64 Turkish soldiers have been killed, while over 386 others have been wounded on the al-Bab’s battlefield. According to the kurdish version, over 469 fighters of the FSA have been killed and at least 1,712 of them have been injured during the battle. The Turkish Army has lost over 30 battle tanks and more than 20 armored fighting vehicles. According to official data, about 444 local civilians lost their lives during the battle for al-Bab, while unofficial sources claim that the number of civilian victims is over 2,000 people.

Even taking into account that the information is presented in not entirely objective way, it clearly shows the difference between statements of the Turkish authorities and real achievements of pro-Turkish fighters on the battlefield.

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