Έτσι μάχονται τα κορίτσια στη Ράκκα – Βίντεο από το μέτωπο

Έτσι μάχονται τα κορίτσια στη Ράκκα – Βίντεο από το μέτωπο

5 Ιουλίου 2017 στη Ράκκα, Δυνάμεις των SDF στο μέτωπο, @ QSD_Jabha

Μετά τον έλεγχο του Παλατιού τα κορίτσια θα περάσουν το παλιό τείχος # τρυφερότητα # και κατάφεραν να εισέλθουν στις παλιές γειτονιές και να επιτεθούν στις νέες γραμμές άμυνας του # Daesh

US-backed Forces Captured 18% Of Raqqa City (Map)

The US-led coalition announced on Wednesday that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have captured 18% of the Raqqa city. The SDF captured Al-Sinaa district and started advancing in Old Raqqa where it took control of the road leading to the Saif al-Dawla Mosque in the middle of the city.
According to opposition sources. US soldiers are directly participating in battles alongside SDF members inside Raqqa.
ISIS targeted SDF positions in Souk al-Hal in southeastern of Raqqa with a non-recoil rifle SPG-9. The ISIS-linked News Agency Amaq published photos showing ISIS snipers targeting an SDF fighter in the old bridge area.
US-backed Forces Captured 18% Of Raqqa City (Map)US-backed Forces Captured 18% Of Raqqa City (Map)US-backed Forces Captured 18% Of Raqqa City (Map)US-backed Forces Captured 18% Of Raqqa City (Map)
ISIS claimed that 12 SDF fighters were killed on Wednesday in Sukarat, Souk al-Hal, and Sour Baghdad in eastern and southern Raqqa.
The US-led coalition said it has carried out 27 air strikes against ISIS targets in Raqqa city during the 24 hours. According to opposition sources, more than 50 shells fired by the US-led coalition fell on the city and 5 civilians were killed.
According to pro-opposition sources, 1450 people were killed during the first half of 2017 as a result of fighting between the various parties in the province of Raqqa.

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