Γενικά θέματα 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Kurdistan National Congress: Condolence to the family of Esa Moosa and his relatives

Kurdistan National Congress: Condolence to the family of Esa Moosa and his relatives

We extend our condolences to the
family of Esa Moosa, the people of South Africa, the Kurdish people, and the
whole humanity

South African revolutionary, the lawyer of Nelson Mandela and Abdullah Ocalan,
Mr. Esa Moosa has sadly left us today. His passing away is a massive
loss for the people of South Africa, the Kurdish people and the whole
progressive establishments. We, as his friend and comrade, are deeply saddened
by his loss. 
his whole life, Esa Moosa had persistently stood up against oppression
and took part in the revolution of South Africa. For years he had served as the
lawyer of Nelson Mandela. As a true revolutionary, he had been active in all
fields of the struggle launched against the racist Apartheid regime. Owing to
this, he had been targeted by the Apartheid regime arresting and torturing him
in various occasions. Despite all this, he never took a step back and at the
forefront of the struggle he kept on his revolutionary mission until the
triumphant over racism. After the accomplishment of the revolution, he played
an important role for the reconstruction and democratisation of South Africa.
In parallel to this, he also worked hard to promote the principles of human
rights not only in his home country but across the continent and the whole
world indeed. One of the great tasks he took upon himself was the promotion of
friendship with persecuted persons and oppressed peoples; a mission that
enhanced his status to an international character pursuing an international
of his internationalist endeavours was that he maintained a close relation with
the Kurdish people and their liberationist movement. Shortly after the triumph
of the South African Revolution he outstretched for the representatives of the
Kurdistan Revolution, establishing a firm cooperating relation with them. He
founded the Friendship Group of the Kurdish People and the South African
People, heading it until his last day. As a friend of the Kurds, he
participated in dozens of conference and seminar conducted on the Kurdish
issue. In his home country he organised tens of meeting, seminar, workshop and
conference on the Kurdish issue. Another part of his campaign was that after
the abduction of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan he became his lawyer. For his freedom, he
participated in every initiative, forming groups to visit Kurdistan in various
occasions. Via his papers, articles and seminars he wanted to make public
Ocalan’s thought and philosophy.
the passing away of Mr. Esa Moosa, we as the Kurdish people suffer the
loss of a friend, a defender, and a comrade. That is why we are saddened and
will never forget him. Once again, we extend our condolences to the family of Esa
, the South African people, the Kurdish people and whole humanity.
Paying our deepest reverence, we bow down before his memory. 

Executive Council of KNK (the Kurdistan National Congress)
 Rue Jean Stas 41 1060 Bruxelles tel: 00 32 2 647 30 84 fax: 00 32 2 647 68 49

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