Η χαρά της ΜΙΤ: Ο Τούρκος πράκτορας ύποπτος για τη δολοφονία των τριών Κουρδισσών ακτιβιστριών στο Παρίσι το 2013, πεθαίνει πριν από τη δίκη

Η χαρά της ΜΙΤ: Ο Τούρκος πράκτορας ύποπτος για τη δολοφονία των τριών Κουρδισσών ακτιβιστριών στο Παρίσι το 2013, πεθαίνει πριν από τη δίκη
Σχετικό άρθρο: Ποιος είναι ο Ομέρ Γκιουνέι, ο ύποπτος για τη δολοφονία των τριών Κουρδισσσών ακτιβιστριών;

La Libre Belgique
Βέλγιο), AFP με Χ. Ly.
Σύμφωνα με δικαστική
πηγή, ο Ομέρ Γκιουνέι (Omer Güney),
ύποπτος δολοφόνος των τριών Κουρδισσών ακτιβιστριών
στο Παρίσι το 2013, πέθανε πριν από τη δίκη του.

Τρεις Κούρδισσες
γυναίκες, από τις οποίες μια από τους ιδρυτές του PKK, εκτελέστηκαν
εν ψυχρώ τον Ιανουάριο του 2013 στο Παρίσι, ταράζοντας τη μεγάλη
κουρδική κοινότητα που ζει στο Βέλγιο και την Ευρώπη.
Τα τρία
θύματα ήταν η Sakine Cansız, 56 ετών, ιδρύτρια του Εργατικού Κόμματος του Κουρδιστάν (PKK), η Fidan Dogan, 32 ετών,
εκπρόσωπος του ΚΝΚ στο Παρίσι, η οποίοα έζησε τέσσερα έως πέντε χρόνια στο
Βέλγιο, και μια ακτιβίστρια είκοσι ετών, την Leyla Soylemez.
Η Sakine Cansız ήταν αναμφισβήτητα ο πρώτος στόχος, διότι αυτή η γυναίκα, που είχε λάβει
πολιτικό άσυλο στη Γαλλία, είχε ιδρύσει το PKK με τον Αμπντουλάχ Οτζαλάν το 1978 στο Ντιγιαρμπακίρ. Το ΡΚΚ διεκδικεί, μέσω ένοπλης πάλης,
την αυτονομία των Κούρδων και θεωρείται από πολλές χώρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης
και της ΕΕ, ως «τρομοκρατικό» κίνημα. Κατηγορείται επίσης, ότι φορολογεί τη
κυκλοφορία ηρωίνης που περνά μέσα από τις κουρδικές περιοχές της Τουρκίας.
Για τους Κούρδους
ακτιβιστές, η τριπλή δολοφονία ήταν μια «προβοκάτσια» σε μια εποχή που ακριβώς
οι συνομιλίες είχαν ξεκινήσει απευθείας ήδη από τα τέλη του 2012 μεταξύ των
τουρκικών μυστικών υπηρεσιών και του Αμπντουλάχ Οτζαλάν, φυλακισμένου από το
1999 στο νησί του Ιμραλί.
περιστατικό συνέβη μεταξύ 15 μ.μ. και 18 μ.μ. το απόγευμα μιας Δευτέρας του
2013 σε ένα πολυσύχναστο δρόμο στο Παρίσι, στο 147 της οδού Lafayette. Στον πρώτο όροφο βρίσκεται το κουρδικό κέντρο πληροφόρησης.
Μετάφραση στα ελληνικά από Κριστιάν Άκκυριά για τον Ινφογνώμονα Πολιτικά,
Αθήνα, 18.12.2016

Culprit of the murder in Paris of Sakine, Fidan and Leyla dies – UPDATE

Ömer Güney, culprit of the murder of three Kurdish woman revolutionaries, in French capital Paris on 9 January, 2013, has died.

Saturday, December 17, 2016 6:15 PM

It is reported that Ömer Güney, the sole
suspect in the assassination of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla
Şaylemez in French capital Paris on 9 January, 2013, has died.

French authorities have informed Cansız, Doğan and Şaylemez families
about the death of Güney whose trial was set to resume in the coming

Ömer Güney was going to be put on trial in Paris Special Court of
Serious Crimes. Güney was accused of murder in relation with a terrorist

The families said they have learned about Güney’s death as they
gathered today to assess the information submitted to their lawyers
yesterday that Güney was severely ill and would demand to be released.

French authorities have made no official statement yet regarding the cause and time of Güney’s death.

Murat Şahin, a former member of the Turkish National Intelligence
Organization (MIT) living in Switzerland, had said previously that Ömer
Güney, the man under arrest since 19 January, 2013 in connection with
the killings in Paris of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez,
was a member of the MIT.

Turkish officials refused to cooperate with investigators and did not
share the information MİT had on the massacre. The French government
only publicized a few documents that had already been known by the
public, and has been hiding the information it has on Ömer Güney.
Investigators note that Güney was an MİT agent who infiltrated into the
Kurdish movement for espionage and assassinations. French prosecutor
Jeanne Duyé decided to close the case in May, 2015, two years after the

According to a last year’s report based on judicial sources close to
the dossier, the investigators, without having been able to demonstrate,
suspect MIT, the Turkish secret service, of involvement, as well as
instigation and preparation of assassinations.

“Ömer Güney was proved to be involved in espionage activities, to
have contacts with individuals in Turkey, and to have included the
participation of a member of the MIT in his foiled plan of escape from
prison during the investigation”, detailed the source.

A document on the massacre points at arrangements in Ankara, and this
document helped further the investigation. On January 12, 2014, 3 days
after the first year anniversary of the massacre, the shooter was heard
in a voice recording leaked online as he spoke to two people from the
Turkish intelligence on assassination plans. Two days after this
recording’s dissemination, the written document instructing the shooter
to assassinate Sakine Cansız became public. This document carried the
signatures of MİT Branch manager O. Yüret, Department manager U. K.
Ayık, Vice president S. Asal and President H. Özcan.

The document was originally issued on November 18, 2012, and emphasized that 6 thousand Euros were paid for the massacre.

Sakine Cansız, a co-founder of the PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party),
KNK (Kurdistan National Congress) Paris Representative Fidan Doğan and
Kurdish Youth Movement member Leyla Şaylemez were assassinated at the
Kurdistan Information Centre in the heart of Paris on 9 January, 2013.

All the details and information revealed so far carry the traces of the murders to the Turkish capital Ankara.

An audio tape which contained the voice of Ömer Güney, who had
infiltrated the Kurdish movement, talking to two Turkish intelligence
operatives, was put on the internet on 12 January 2014, three days after
the first anniversary of the murders.

The assassin, whose family had MIT (Turkish intelligence) links,
discussed his activities in Paris, how he would eradicate his targets
and the required money and weapons.

Two days later, a revealed document dated 18 November 2012 named
various intelligence operatives and mentioned 6,000 Euros for ‘possible
expenses’. In addition to Sakine Cansız KNK Executive Council member
Adem Uzun was also mentioned in the document and attention was drawn to
the fact that Sakine Cansız came to Paris a few days after Adem Uzun’s
arrest on 6 October 2012 in a scandalous operation.

The joint conspiracy by French and Turkish intelligence against Uzun
only emerged during the investigation into the murder of the three
women, and he was released on 9 August 2013, with the French justice
system accepting that ‘evidence had been illegally gathered’.

An investigation was also carried out by prosecutors in Ankara, but
they refused to share information regarding the assassin with Paris.

Both French intelligence and Turkish intelligence refused to tell the
French prosecutor what they know. In Turkey efforts were made to
prevent the MIT being accused of involvement.

In April of 2015, the French government partially lifted restrictions
on the publication of intelligence reports. 39 documents from the
Internal Security organisation, DGSI, and 7 documents from the External
Security organisation, DGSE, had been redacted.

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