Ισλάμ , Συρία 27 Νοεμβρίου 2016

ΕΚΤΑΚΤΟ, Μάχη του Χαλεπίου: Οι κυβερνητικές δυνάμεις κατέκτησαν τη συνοικία Al Sakhur. Ντζιχαντιστές μαχητές αποσύρονται από το Βόρειο Χαλέπι

ΕΚΤΑΚΤΟ, Μάχη του Χαλεπίου: Οι κυβερνητικές δυνάμεις κατέκτησαν τη συνοικία Al Sakhur. Ντζιχαντιστές μαχητές αποσύρονται από το Βόρειο Χαλέπι
Ο συριακός
στρατός και η Liwa al-Quds έχουν κατακτήσει σημαντικές περιοχές στη συνοικία Al Sakhur μετά την απελευθέρωση της συνοικίας
του Jabal Badro
, σύμφωνα με
τοπικές πηγές.
συγκρούσεις είναι σε εξέλιξη μεταξύ των κυβερνητικών στρατευμάτων και των
μαχητών της Jaish Αλ Φατάχ. Ωστόσο, η Jaish Αλ Φατάχ δεν έχει πλέον αρκετές άμυνες στην περιοχή για να κρατηθεί για
πολύ. Έτσι, κατά πάσα πιθανότητα, η περιοχή θα πέσει στα χέρια του συριακού
στρατού κατά τις προσεχείς ώρες. Θα χωριστεί η ανατολική τσέπη του Χαλεπιού
σε δύο ξεχωριστά μέρη.

πηγές υποστηρίζουν ότι όλη η γειτονιά Al Sakhur βρίσκεται ήδη υπό τον έλεγχο του συριακού στρατού, αλλά αυτό δεν μπορεί να
επιβεβαιωθεί αυτή την ώρα από ουδέτερες πηγές. 
μέσα ενημέρωσης διαδίδουν ότι η Jaish Αλ-Φατάχ είναι “αποσύρεται
 από τμήματα του βόρειου Χαλεπίου.
Κυβερνητικές δυνάμεις κάνουν επίσης έφοδο στη συνοικία του Baadeen

Χαλέπι, 27.11.2016


Thousands flee Syria regime advance into east Aleppo

“Syrian pro-government forces inspect an area in the Masaken Hanano district in eastern Aleppo November 27, 2016, a day after they resized it from rebel fighters”

of civilians have fled rebel-held east Aleppo after government forces,
determined to retake all of Syria’s second city, seized its largest
rebel-controlled district and advanced into two other areas.
capture on Saturday of Masaken Hanano — which had been the biggest
rebel-held district of Aleppo — was a major breakthrough in a 13-day
regime offensive to retake the entire city.
Sunday, regime forces also took control of two neighbouring areas,
Jabal Badra and Baadeen, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said.
army’s rapid advance is due to its strategy of attacking east Aleppo on
several fronts, weakening the rebels,” Observatory chief Rami Abdel
Rahman said
regime gains came as its aircraft pounded rebel positions and amid
heavy clashes between the opposition and forces loyal to President
Bashar al-Assad.
Hanano was the first district the rebels took in the summer of 2012 in a
move that divided the city into a rebel-held east and a
regime-controlled west.
Around 250,000 civilians trapped under government siege for months in the east have faced serious food and fuel shortages.
Syrian Observatory said nearly 1,700 civilians had fled over the past
24 hours to government-held parts of western Aleppo and another 2,500 to
the Kurdish-controlled northern district of Sheikh Maksoud.
“It is the first exodus of this kind from east Aleppo since 2012,” Abdel Rahman said.
– Regime sights on Sakhur –
state television broadcast images of a crowd of civilians including
women and children gathered around green buses that it said had come to
pick them up in Masaken Hanano.
woman was shown pushing a stroller and many others carried plastic bags
on their heads while bombardment could be heard in the distance.
al-Youssef, from the rebel group Nureddin al-Zinki, said that
opposition fighters were consolidating their positions in Sakhur.
are strengthening our positions to defend the city and residents, but
the aircraft are destroying everything methodically, area by area,” he
said, referring to a regime campaign of air strikes on the city.
lies on a stretch of just 1.5 kilometres (less than a mile) between
west Aleppo and Masaken Hanano, now both controlled by the regime.
the regime did manage to take control of Sakhur, east Aleppo would be
split in two from north to south, dealing a further blow to the armed
Pro-government media reported that government forces continued their advance on Sunday.
latest regime push comes after days of intense bombardment on the east,
which has been pounded with air strikes, shells and barrel bombs.
Saturday, dozens of families fled Sakhur and Haidariya as regime raids
and artillery fire killed at least 18 civilians in several districts,
the Britain-based Observatory said.
took to 219 the overall number of civilians killed, including 27
children, since the government launched its latest assault on east
Aleppo on November 15.

– IS chemical attack –
forces also intensified rocket attacks on western districts overnight,
killing at least four civilians and wounding dozens, the Observatory
Such attacks have killed a total of 27 civilians since the offensive began, among them 11 children.

United Nations has a plan to deliver aid to Aleppo and evacuate the
sick and wounded, which rebel factions have approved but which Damascus
has not yet agreed. Guarantees are also needed from regime ally Russia.
Once a commercial and industrial hub, Aleppo has seen some of the worst fighting in Syria’s five-and-a-half-year war.
conflict broke out in 2011 with the brutal repression of
anti-government protests and has since evolved into a complex war
involving different factions and foreign powers.
Sunday, the Turkish army said that 22 pro-Ankara Syrian rebels were hit
by a chemical gas attack from Islamic State group jihadists in northern
Turkish army is backing the Syrian fighters in an unprecedented
cross-border operation it says is targeting both IS and the Kurdish
People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia, which it considers to be a
“terrorist” group.
YPG is a key component of a US-backed Arab-Kurdish alliance that is
fighting to oust IS from its de facto Syria capital of Raqa, after the
jihadist group overran large parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014.
Syria’s war has killed more than 300,000 people and displaced more than half the population.


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