Ισλάμ , Ισραήλ , Συρία 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

The One billion dollars question: Did Syria or its allies shoot down an Israeli F-35 Lightning II over the Syrian Golan?

The One billion dollars question: Did Syria or its allies shoot down an Israeli F-35 Lightning II over the Syrian Golan?
13 September 2016, at 0100Z, Syrian
Artillery positions located near Al-Qunaytera in the Syrian Golan were
targeted by an Israeli Air Force raid.
This was the first violation of the latest ceasefire brokered by Russia and the U.S.
Here is the bottom line:
Officially, the Israeli acted out of
retaliation after one unidentified artillery shell coming from the
Syrian territory landed very close to an Ammonia storage facility (more
likely a military chemical-weapons base)
Actually, IAF (Israeli Air force) and
some IDF (Israeli Defense forces) Artillery units were helping Syrian
rebels in the Golan to fight the Syrian Armed Forces and its allies,
mainly the Lebanese Hezbollah.

The Israeli used F-15’s Sufa and for the
first time the state-of-the -art F-35 Lightning II combat aircraft to
suppress Syrian and Hizbollah military targets in the Syrian Golan and
in the Southern suburb of Damascus.
According to the Syrian Army High
Command, an unknown number of Surface-to-Air missiles were fired by the
Syrian Air Defense forces or a Hezbollah special force against the
intruders. The Syrians claim at least one hit in the Golan and another
near Damascus. More specifically, the Syrian media outlets claim that at
least one Israeli combat aircraft was shot down while another was
damaged over the Golan.
Another Israeli armed drone was allegedly destroyed by AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) near Damascus.
As usual, Israel denied first everything
and then acknowledged that the Syrian military used Surface-to-Air
missiles against IAF combat aircraft.
And here comes the big deal! According to
some of our sources, the Israeli aircraft hit by the Syrian SAM’s may
be a F-35 Lightning II!
Israel will never admit it, as it
would show that the F-35 Lightning II, one of the most advanced
military aircraft ever built (and the most expensive ever!) is
vulnerable to a new enhanced version of the old Pechora SAM.  Syria
won’t admit it either, as it might back Israel into a corner leading to a
solid retaliation and a large-scale regional war (and even a World war)
Previously to this latest incident,
Damascus has informed Moscow about its decision to use SAM’s against
any  new Israeli attack inside the Syrian territory.
Israel is one of the belligerents of the ongoing conflict in Syria.

Special Report: Strategika51

Syrian Air Defense Forces Shoot Down Two Israeli Aircraft that Bombed Syrian Army in Quneitra

© Photo: SANA
© Photo: SANA

The General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces
said on September 13 that the Syrian Defense Forces have shot downned
two aircraft belonged to the Israeli Air Force in eastern Syria.
According to the Syrian state-run SANA news agency, an Israeli warplane
was downed southwest of Quneitra and an Israeli drone west of Sa’sa’.
The Syrian Armed Forces’ move was an answer to airstrikes on the
Syrian Arab Army conducted by Israeli aircraft around 1:00 am (local
time) on September 13. SANA emphasized that Israeli air strikes were
made in support of the offensive of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly
Jabhat Al Nusra), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and others on the government positions in the provicne of Quneitra.
Israel denied the loses in Syria.

“Tonight two surface-to-air missiles were launched from
Syria after our aircraft attacked Syrian artillery positions. At none of
the stages of the incident was the safety of the Israeli Air Force’s
aircraft threatened,” Maj. Arye Shalicar told the Russian state-run
media outlet ‘RIA Novosti’.

It is not possible to deny or confirm these reports while no video/photo evidence has occurred.


US-backed ‘Opposition’ Launches Fresh Offensive in Quneitra Province Minutes after Start of Nationwide Ceasefire


Minutes after the start of the nationwide ceasefire in Syria, Jabhat
Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Jabhat Al Nusra), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham
(US-backed “moderates”) and other “moderate opposition groups” launched a
fresh offensive on the Syrian government forces in the province
of Quneitra, AlMasdarNews reported.

According to the report, the “opposition” attacked the 4th Battalion
Base (Tal Taranjeh) and Tuloul Al-Hamr in the Golan Heights. The move
resulted in heavy clashes between US-backed militants and the Syrian

We remind the US-backed group, Ahrar Al-Sham, has officially rejected the proposed ceasefire today morning.


Israël viole le cessez-le-feu en Syrie et perd deux avions

Réseau Voltaire
| 13 septembre 2016

Le 13 septembre 2016, à 1h du matin, alors que le
cessez-le-feu venait d’entrer en vigueur, l’aviation israélienne a tenté
de détruire un poste de combat au Sud de la Syrie et des installations
militaires près de la capitale, Damas.

L’armée arabe syrienne a tiré des missiles de nouvelle génération
contre les avions et les a touché. L’un des avions s’est écrasé en
territoire tenu par les jihadistes, l’autre serait parvenu à se poser en

Tsahal a d’abord démenti les deux incidents, puis a reconnu avoir
violé l’espace aérien syrien et admis que la Syrie avait tenté d’abattre
ses avions.

Les informations disponibles ne permettent pas de savoir avec
exactitude quels étaient les avions israéliens (F-15, F-16, voire F-35)
si les missiles ont été tirés par le Hezbollah ou par l’Armée arabe
syrienne, ni quels étaient ces missiles, ni qui les a fabriqués.

À l’évidence, il s’agissait d’un matériel nouveau, beaucoup plus
performant que les anciens et susceptible de remettre en cause
l’équilibre des forces.


Following Israeli Air Strikes on Syrian Army, Terrorists Launched Full-Scale Advance in Quneitra Countryside

September 10, the Israeli Aimr Force made air strikes on the Syrian
Arab Army (SAA) positions at the village of Hader – the Unit 4 Base and
Tiranjah in the  Syrian province of Quneitra. The air strikes were
synchronized with the start of a full-scale advance of the Jabhat Fatah
al-Sham (formerly Jabhat Al Nusra) and its allies in the same area.
The joint terrorist forces advanced on the Hader, seizing few sites
in the vilage’s countryside. Heavy clashes are ongoing in the area.

Click to see the full-size map


14.9.2016  Israeli Warplanes Continued Air Strikes on Syrian Army in Quneitra

After the incident with allegedly downed Israeli aircraft over Syria, the  Israeli Air Force continued to conduct air strikes on the Syrian army’s positions in the province of Quneitra.
At least 1 Israeli air strike was reported at the Jandal Castle at
the top of al-Shiekh mountain and another one targeted the Syrian army’s
artillery base near the village of Ayn Burj.

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