Ισλάμ , Ρωσία , Συρία 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Μάχη του Χαλεπιού: Το Ντάες/Daesh ανέκτησε και πάλι από το στρατό τον παλαιστινιακό καταυλισμό προσφύγων στο Handarat Χαλεπίου

Μάχη του Χαλεπιού: Το Ντάες/Daesh ανέκτησε και πάλι από το στρατό τον παλαιστινιακό καταυλισμό προσφύγων στο Handarat Χαλεπίου
Οι μάχες για τον έλεγχο του καταυλισμού
παλαιστινίων προσφύγων  Handarat στο βορρά της πόλης του Χαλεπίου
προκάλεσαν απροσδιόριστο αριθμό νεκρών και τραυματιών στις τάξεις του
συριακού στρατού και της Daesh.
Το αυτοαποκαλούμενο Ισλαμικό Κράτος
(Daesh στα αραβικά) ανέκτησε και πάλι τον έλεγχο του παλαιστινιακού
προσφυγικού καταυλισμού της Handarat, βόρεια του Χαλεπίου, μετά από
σκληρές μάχες κατά του συριακού στρατού.

Οι τρομοκράτες του Ντάες/Daesh δρομολόγησαν
αρκετές αντεπιθέσεις και με πυροβολικό βομβάρδισαν το στρατό και τις
συμμαχικές πολιτοφυλακές. Οι μάχες προκάλεσαν άγνωστο αριθμό νεκρών και
τραυματιών στις τάξεις και των δύο πλευρών.
Η στρατηγική θέση της Handarat θα
επέτρεπε ασφαλή γραμμή αναφοδιασμού των αρχών στα βόρεια της πόλης.Το
στρατόπεδο προσφύγων Handarat είναι στρατηγικής σημασίας  καθώς
βρίσκεται κοντά στο δρόμο Castello που συνδέει το ανατολικό και το
δυτικό τμήμα της πόλης του Χαλεπίου και θα πρέπει να είναι ένα η οδός
που θ΄ακολουθήσουν οι ανθρωπιστικές αποστολές του ΟΗΕ για τις ανατολικές
συνοικίες που ελέγχουν οι τρομοκράτες.
Ο συριακός στρατός με την υποστήριξη της
παλαιστινιακής Ταξιαρχίας Al Quds και της ρωσικής πολεμικής αεροπορίας
είχε ανακτήσει  τον έλεγχο το Σάββατο του παλαιστινιακού προσφυγικού
καταυλισμού Handarat.telesurtv
Government Forces Advancing in Sheikh Sa’eed Neighborhood of Aleppo. Terrorists Counter-Attack in Handarat
Click to see the full-size map
Click to see the full-size map

Today morning, the Syrian army, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and
Hezbollah have made a new push to seize the Sheikh Sa’eed Neighborhood
of Aleppo city that had been controlled by militants of the Jaish
al-Fatah operation room (it unites Al Nusra and its allies operating
inside and outside Aleppo city). The pro-government forces have
reportedly seized a number of building blocks in Sheikh Sa’eed and now
is developing the advance there. Pro-militant sources argue that the
operation is massively supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces. Up to
30 air strikes have been reported since the morning. Some pro-government
media outlets report that Sheikh Sa’eed is successfully secured.
However, this has not been confirmed.

Meanwhile, Al Nusra and its allies have launched a counter-offensive in the Handarat refugee camp that was seized by the Syrian army and its allies on September 24.
Now, the camp remains a contensed area with terrorists deployed in its
eastern part. Heavy clashes are ongoing in the area. Russian and Syrian
warplanes have been reportedly delivering air strikes on terrorist
targets there. According unfonfirmed reports, since today morning, the
Russian-Syrian air power has carried out some 20 air strikes there.

In general, the pro-government forces are remaining in an offensive
position inside and outside Aleppo city and strengthening the pressure
on terrorists in eastern Aleppo.

Click to see the full-size map
Click to see the full-size map


Battle for Aleppo: US-Backed Rebels Shut Off Water for 1.5 Million Civilians

In this Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012 file photo, smoke rises over Saif Al Dawla district, in Aleppo, Syria

© AP Photo/ Manu Brabo, File
Middle East
21:09 25.09.2016(updated 23:34 25.09.2016) Get short URL

The so-called “moderate” rebels turned off the water to 1.5 million civilians living in West Aleppo in retaliation for a Syrian Army airstrike on East Aleppo that allegedly left 250,000 residents without water setting the stage for an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. 
The city of Aleppo is “dying” according to United Nations officials after a fierce wave of bombing last night by the Syrian Army in an attempt to break the stalemate in what once was the economic capital of the country but is now left to rubble after years of combat between the Assad government and rebels. 
Last night’s airstrikes according to early reporting by the United Nations left 115 dead as hostilities have intensified following the collapse of the ceasefire earlier this week resulting in large part from a US-led coalition airstrike on a Syrian Army base in Deir Ez-Zor that left 62 dead and hundreds injured “paving the way” for a major offensive by Daesh (ISIS) terrorists and over 300 ceasefire violations by the rebels. 
The rebels signaled in the day before the ceasefire that they would not comply with the agreement brokered by the United States and Russia with the second largest rebel group Ahrar al-Sham even saying that it was “impossible” for the group to breakaway from al-Nusra Front terrorists (formerly Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate prior to a rebranding effort) because the two groups had become too entangled fighting under the common banner of the Army of Conquest. 
With hopes for peace on hold Syrian airstrikes have escalated which the rebels claim undermined attempts to repair a water pump supplying rebel-held districts in East Aleppo with water allegedly blocking the flow of the vital resource to some 250,000 residents. In an act of reprisal, the rebels switched off the Suleiman al-Halabi pumping station that provides water to 1.5 million Syrian civilians in government controlled West Aleppo raising the possibility of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in what has already turned into the largest displacement of civilians in human history. 
Kieran Dwyer, spokesman for the UN Children’s Rights & Emergency Relief Organization (UNICEF) explained that the Bab al-Nairab pumping station supplying rebel-held parts of Aleppo was allegedly damaged on Thursday and subsequent strikes rendered repairs impossible. “Then in retaliation for that attack a nearby pumping station that pumps water to the entire western part of the city – upwards to 1.5 million people – was deliberately switched off,” said Dwyer. 
UNICEF fears that families in West Aleppo will be forced to use contaminated liquid carrying waterborne diseases to which children are particularly vulnerable as a result of the intentional act of terroristic sabotage by the rebels in contravention of international humanitarian standards. “Aleppo is slowly dying, and the world is watching, and the water is being cut off and bombed – it’s just the latest act of inhumanity,” said UNICEF Deputy Director Justin Forsyth.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160925/1045687884/aleppo-syria-water-humanitarian-crisis.html

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