Γενικά θέματα 3 Απριλίου 2013

Guardian: Νέα Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία ”χτίζει” η Τουρκία στα Βαλκάνια

Guardian: Νέα Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία ”χτίζει” η Τουρκία στα Βαλκάνια
Turkish women in Sarajevo
Τουρκάλες φοιτήτριες στο Σεράγεβο όπου άνοιξαν 2 τουρκικά πανεπιστήμια
 Δημοσίευμα της βρετανικής εφημερίδας αναλύει
τους τρόπους διείσδυσης της Τουρκίας στα Βαλκάνια εν έτει 2013. Πώς
εδραιώνεται στην Ευρώπη με δίοδο τις Βαλκανικές χώρες
Πέντε αιώνες πριν η Τουρκία κατέκτησε τα Βαλκάνια με όχι και
τόσο ειρηνικές μεθόδους. Το 2013 η γείτονα χώρα επιδιώκει να αναβιώσει
την Οθωμανική Αυτοκτρατορία με νέες πιο ήπιες και έμμεσες μορφές
κυριαρχίας, σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα του δημοσιογράφου Michael Birnbaum της βρετανικής Guardian.

Οι Τούρκικες επενδύσεις έχουν επεκταθεί στο χώρο των
Βαλκανίων, παρόλο που οι χριστιανοί της Κροατίας και της Σερβίας
θυμούνται ακόμα τους σουλτάνους της Κωνσταντινούπολης ως κατακτητές και
όχι ως απελευθερωτές.

Η διαρκώς αυξανόμενη παρουσία της Τουρκίας έχει δώσει τη
δυνατότητα επιρροής στην Ευρώπη σε μία εποχή που οι προοπτικές ένταξής
της στην Ε.Ε. δεν είναι και τόσο θετικές.

Μόνο τα τελευταία χρόνια, έχουν ανοίξει στο Σεράγεβο δύο
τουρκικά πανεπιστήμια τα οποία έχουν αποτελέσει αφορμή για τη μαζική
εισροή Τούρκων φοιτητών και τουρκικής κουλτούρας σε μία κατά βάση
μουσουλμανική χώρα που δεν έχει συνέλθει ακόμη από τη βαναυσότητα του
πολέμου, σχεδόν δύο δεκαετίες πριν.

Παράλληλα πολλές είναι και οι επενδύσεις που γίνονται στα
Βαλκάνια σε χώρες οι οποίες δεν συγκαταλέγονται στους ”παραδοσιακούς”
συμμάχους της Άγκυρας, όπως η Σερβία.

”Οι Τούρκοι ηγέτες εργάζονται για την εγκαθίδρυση μίας νέας
Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας, ηπιότερης μορφής” δηλώνει ο Amir Zukic,
επικεφαλής του τουρκικού πρακτορείου ειδήσεων Anadolu.

Η κυριαρχία του παρελθόντος έχει μετατραπεί σε κυριαρχία
πολιτιστικής επιρροής, αδιαμφισβήτητη για πολλές χώρες των Βαλκανίων. Σε
αυτό το κλίμα γίνεται αναφορά στην τουρκική σειρά ”Σουλεϊμάν ο
Μεγαλοπρεπής” που σημειώνει μεγάλη επιτυχία και στη χώρα μας.

Εγκαθιστώντας μία ιδιότυπη οικονομική ”ηγεμονία”  η
Τουρκία αποκτά ερείσματα στην Ευρώπη και ανοίγει διόδους για τους
Τούρκους μέσω της βαλκανικής χερσονήσου. Την πρόταση αυτή επιβεβαιώνουν
τα λεγόμενα του πρώην πρεσβευτή της Βοσνίας στην Τουρκία: ”Τα Βαλκάνια
ήταν πάντα η ”πόρτα” της Τουρκίας για την κατάκτηση της Ευρώπης”.

Απρίλιος 03 2013 12:27
Turkey brings a gentle version of the Ottoman empire back to the Balkans
Growing presence in Bosnia has given Turkey an expanding field of influence in Europe

conquered the Balkans five centuries ago. Now Turkish power is making
inroads through friendlier means. Two Turkish-run universities have
opened in Bosnia’s Ottoman-influenced capital Sarajevo in recent years,
bringing an influx of Turkish students and culture to a predominantly Muslim country still reeling from a brutal ethnic war almost two decades ago.
investment has expanded across the Balkans, even in Croatia and Serbia,
where mostly Christian residents remember the sultans from
Constantinople (now Istanbul) as occupiers, not liberators. Turkey has
helped broker talks between formerly bitter enemies in the Balkans. And
the growing presence has given Turkey an expanding field of influence in
Europe at a time when the country’s prospects of joining the European Union appear dubious.
leaders are working at a new Ottoman empire, a gentle one,” said Amir
Zukic, the bureau chief of the Turkish Anadolu news agency’s Sarajevo
office, which has expanded in recent months. “Turkey, a former regional
power, is trying to come back in a big way.”
Turkey’s presence in
Bosnia was largely dormant during the more than 40 years that the Balkan
country was part of communist Yugoslavia, which was not receptive to
Turkish religious and historical influences. But during the mid-1990s,
as Yugoslavia fell apart, Turkish aid started flowing to the Muslims who
comprise about half of Bosnia. Since then, Turkish funding has helped
reconstruct Ottoman-era monuments that were targets of ethnically
motivated destruction.
Now Turkey’s cultural influence is hard to
miss. Turkish dignitaries are frequent visitors to Sarajevo. A grand new
Turkish embassy is being built near “sniper alley”, a corridor where,
during the three-year siege of the capital city in the war, Bosnian
Muslims struggling to go about their daily business were frequently shot
at by Serbian snipers stationed on nearby hills. Billboards advertise
round-trip flights to Istanbul for the equivalent of $75. And this year,
a baroque soap opera based on the life of Suleiman the Magnificent, a
16th‑century ruler of the Ottoman empire, has mesmerised couch potatoes
in Bosnia’s dreary winter.
The biggest outposts in Bosnia have been the two Turkish-backed universities, which have mostly Turkish student bodies.
the International University of Sarajevo, students who enter the main
door of the building erected two years ago have to pass under the
watchful eye of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, the Ottoman ruler who
introduced Islam to Bosnia in 1463. The private university is backed by
Turkish businessmen who are close to Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan’s political party. The university started in 2004 and has grown
to 1,500 students. It is shooting for 5,000, the capacity of its new
Classes are held in English, and there is a western
curriculum heavy on practical subjects such as business and engineering.
But both Turkish and Bosnian students say that part of the attraction
of the school is the cultural exchange that takes place among the
groups. Each cohort has to learn the other’s language.
are transparent about the school’s ambitions. “The Turks are attracted
to come here because they believe that Bosnia, for all its problems,
will be in the EU before Turkey is. And they see this as a bridge
between two countries,” said Muhamed Hadziabdic, the vice-rector of the
school, who is a Bosnian Muslim. Turkish people “like Bosnia”, he said.
“It’s European, but it still feels like home. The smell, the culture,
it’s recognisably Turkish.”
Bosnian students eye Turkey’s growing
economy with interest; their country’s official unemployment rate last
year was 46%, far higher than in Turkey. Many of the Turkish students,
who make up 65% of the school, say they are there for a taste of freedom
away from the watchful eye of their families. Some say they plan to
stay in the region and develop businesses.
“When I was little, I
wanted to go to a foreign country. I wanted to learn a foreign
language,” said Fatih Selcuk, 19, a first-year student from Izmir,
Turkey. “Bosnia was in the Ottoman Empire, so it’s similar to Turkey. My
father said you should go to Bosnia-Herzegovina, because it’s Slavic but it’s Muslim.”
other Turkish school in Sarajevo, the International Burch University,
opened in 2008 and has connections to Fethullah Gulen, an influential
Muslim Turkish preacher who runs an international religious and
educational movement from Pennsylvania.
Officials at Burch also
speak of their desire to forge connections between Turkey and the
Balkans. Students there tend to be more religiously conservative, but as
with the International University of Sarajevo, the curriculum is
The Turkish expansion into the region comes as Turkey’s
long-held dream of joining the EU seems remote. Western European powers,
especially Germany, have been concerned that Turkey’s 74 million
residents could flood Europe in search of jobs. Some officials have
questioned whether the Muslim-majority country is European at all.
Bosnia is firmly within Europe – even though Sarajevo’s old city is a
dense warren of shops and centuries-old storefronts that is reminiscent
of Istanbul. Turkey’s expansion into European regions that once were
part of its empire is one way of making up for being excluded from the
EU, some analysts say.
Turkey’s growing presence has upset some
Bosnian Serbs, who maintain a parallel government in Bosnia under the
complicated system dictated by 1995 peace agreements. Officials from the
parallel government have complained that the Bosnian Muslim part of the
country is falling under the influence of a former imperial power.
Islamists, a return of Turkey back to the Balkans is a fulfilment of
ambitions. But for many Serbs and also for many Croats, their national
struggle in the 19th century is still in their minds,” said Esad
Hecimovic, the editor of news programmes on OMT, the private television
station that has been airing the soap opera about Suleiman the
Still, even Serbia and Croatia have welcomed Turkish
investment. Turkey was the third-largest investor in Mediterranean
Croatia in the first three-quarters of 2012, and Erdogan has pursued
closer ties with Serbia, a long-time rival. Turkish diplomats also have
worked to broker talks between the Serbian and Bosnian governments.
efforts in the Balkans have given Turkey a new venue for economic
growth as it has grappled with ethnic violence that has engulfed
neighbouring Syria. There, a diverse nation that also was once part of
the Ottoman Empire is threatening to tear itself apart – a development
that has similarities to what happened in Yugoslavia.
Many in the
Balkans think they are merely a waypoint on the route toward Turkey’s
broader goals. “They are a big regional power,” said Hayruddin Somun, a
former Bosnian ambassador to Turkey. “The Balkans was always their path
to conquering Europe. They had to come through here.”
• This article appeared in Guardian Weekly, which incorporates material from the Washington Post

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