Turkey protests PKK book presentation in Athens

Turkey protests PKK book presentation in Athens
(Reuters) – 

Turkey protested on Friday
against the presentation of a book by a Kurdish militant leader in
Athens, saying it undermined friendship efforts between the
long-standing regional rivals.

Greece and Turkey have a
history of enmity which has brought them to the brink of war on several
occasions, most recently in 1996. Relations have since warmed with
natural disasters in both countries bringing the two NATO allies closer.
however, reacted angrily to the presentation of a book in the Greek
capital’s War Museum written by Murat Karayilan, the de-facto leader of
the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) who is sought by Interpol.
foreign ministry said Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu phoned his Greek
counterpart on Thursday to complain about the event, which it described
as an “extremely unfortunate development” in what it called a fight
against terrorism.

“It is also
worrying in the sense of showing that some circles, who are uneasy about
the development of Turkish-Greek friendship, are still active,” the
ministry said.
The PKK, which took
up arms in 1984 in a campaign for autonomy in Turkey’s mainly Kurdish
southeast, is listed as a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the United
States and the European Union.
Greece sought to play down the spat, saying it knew nothing about Wednesday’s presentation, which was privately organised.
event has no relation whatsoever with the Greek government …
therefore, there is no issue,” the ministry’s spokesman Gregory
Delavekouras said.
“Greece condemns all forms of terrorism unequivocally.”
book’s translator, a former Greek army general and spy with Greece’s
Intelligence Service when the PKK’s imprisoned leader Abdullah Ocalan
was captured in 1999, was unimpressed.
wonders where (Ankara) found the audacity or better yet, who gave
Turkey the right to try and create an issue where one doesn’t exist,”
Savvas Kalenteridis wrote in a blog post, slamming Ankara’s remarks as
“completely ridiculous and silly”.
was captured and returned to Turkey after hiding in the Greek
ambassador’s residence in Kenyan capital Nairobi in 1999. Three Greek
ministers were forced to resign at the time amid accusations that they
had colluded in hiding Ocalan.
More than 40,000 people, mostly Kurds, have been killed in the 28-year-old conflict between the PKK and Turkish forces.
F-16 warplanes launched an attack on a group of PKK fighters identified
by drones in southeastern Turkey, killing eight of the fighters,
security sources said on Friday.
local governor’s office said the attack in the early hours of Thursday
was triggered when thermal cameras spotted the Kurdistan Workers Party
(PKK) militants in the Semdinli district of Hakkari province, near the
borders with Iraq and Iran.
has been an upsurge in PKK violence over the summer and 42 militants
were reportedly killed in a three-day operation in Hakkari earlier this
Ankara has linked the rise
in violence to the chaos in neighbouring Syria and has accused Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad of resuming support for the PKK and arming the
(Reporting by Karolina Tagaris in Athens and Daren Butler in Istanbul; Editing by Jon Hemming)


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