Άλλος ένας Αμερικανός αναλυτής ανακαλύπτει την υποκρισία της Τουρκίας. Τυχαίο;

Άλλος ένας Αμερικανός αναλυτής ανακαλύπτει την υποκρισία της Τουρκίας. Τυχαίο;

Turkish Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Breaking news out of Turkey is the Turkish parliament—dominated by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP)—has given the go-ahead to a cross border incursion into Iraqi Kurdistan to kill alleged Kurdistan Workers Party(PKK) members whom the Turkish government accuses of terrorism.
Never mind that Turkey has repeatedly condemned Israel for similar cross border maneuvers against Hamas in Gaza. Just yesterday, Erdoğan shouted down an Israeli diplomat who had raised the Hamas issue during the prime minister’s visit to South Africa by challenging the Israeli to name how many people Hamas’ missiles have killed. Erdoğan then accused Israel of state-terrorism, one more step in his drive to de-legitimize the Jewish state.

Now, there is no question Hamas launches terrorism from Gaza. It is easy to trace the trajectory of their rockets. There is also no question Hamas harbors genocidal intent: one only needs to read their charter. There is no parallel, however, to Turkey’s current looming fight. Erdoğan has not shown that any of the recent terrorist attacks in Turkey had anything to do with Iraq or Iraqi Kurdistan. Turkey’s hypocrisy is broader. Despite his ultimatum to Israel for the Mavi Marmara incident and subsequent demonization, Erdoğan has yet to offer an apology or compensation for Turkey’s murder of seven civilians last August. If Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari was more skillful, he might seize upon Erdoğan’s own words to demand such compensation, and hopefully not skim too much off the top.
The Obama administration is providing Turkey with Super Cobra helicopters, in theory to aid Turkey’s counter-terror fight. There is nothing wrong with counter-terrorism, and elected governments certainly have a duty to protect their citizens. The United States should provide no counter-terrorism assistance, however, to any state which will not accept a common definition of terrorism, one that applies equally to the U.S. right to counter terrorism, Israel’s right to counter terrorism, and that of any other democracy. Any state like Turkey which takes an a la carte approach and believes terrorism to be legitimate if conducted in a cause they find sympathetic, however, should be disqualified from any American aid and assistance.

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