H ισλαμική πληθυσμιακή δυναμική στην Ελλάδα, με φόντο το 2045, με βάση προβολές της CIA

H ισλαμική πληθυσμιακή δυναμική στην Ελλάδα, με φόντο το 2045, με βάση προβολές της CIA

Islamic takeover by year 2045?

του Νικολάου Κ. Γεωργαντζα

Ευχαριστώ την Δρ. Amalia Arvaniti, Associate Professor, UCSD Linguistics, γιά το λίνκ στο CIA FACTBOOK on GREECE. Based on the data there (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gr.html), I built a very crude basic population model.
Here are the very crude model equations. Any Runge-Kutta 4 scheme can be used to replicate the attached computed results.
Ellas_Pop(t) = Ellas_Pop(t – dt) + (births – deaths) * dt
INIT Ellas_Pop = 10737428 {10,737,428 (July 2009 est.)}
births = Ellas_Pop * birth_fraction
deaths = Ellas_Pop * death_fraction
Imm_Pop(t) = Imm_Pop(t – dt) + (imm_birth_s – imm_deaths) * dt
INIT Imm_Pop = 1000000
imm_birth_s = Imm_Pop * birth_fraction * imm_birth_fraction
imm_deaths = Imm_Pop * death_fraction * imm_death_fraction
birth_fraction = 9.45 / 1000 {9.45 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)}
death_fraction = 10.51 / 1000 {10.51 deaths/1,000 population (July 2009
imm_birth_fraction = 8 {The 8:1 ratio based on data from France}
imm_death_fraction = 1 {multiplier}
total_pop = Ellas_Pop + Imm_Pop
The attached computed results show that, by year 2045, we can expect the Islamic population in Greece to match our Hellenic population. So, the question is: does anyone on this planet have any bright ideas on how to reverse this grim scenario? Or how can Greece be able to absorb this huge population growth?
Or are we just to follow the MANY islamic scholars on the Way to Stop Islam:

Professor, Management Systems
Director, System Dynamics Consultancy
113 West 60th Street, Suite 617-D
New York, NY 10023-7484
1-917-667-4022 | Fax: 1-212-765-5573 | E-mail: georgantzas@fordham.edu

Dear Friends,

A recent blog post on Ινφογνώμων Πολιτικά* acknowledges Dr. Amalia Arvaniti
as a contributor to the computed scenario of population and immigrant
growth in Greece, developed by Dr. Nicholas Georgantzas. Dr. Arvaniti and
Dr. Georgantzas would like to stress that Dr. Arvaniti’s name was linked to
this model without her knowledge or consent, and that Dr. Arvaniti neither
contributed to the development of this model nor endorse its conclusions.

Amalia Arvaniti
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
University of California, San Diego

I concur and add my sincere apology for citing Dr. Amalia Arvaniti, out of
academic research habit, without her consent.

Professor, Management Systems
Director, System Dynamics Consultancy
Fordham University Business Schools, New York

* http://infognomonpolitics.blogspot.com/2010/03/h-2045-cia.html

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